1. Attend Community Events

Networking During MUB launchingMost coworking spaces organize regular events, workshops, and seminars for their members. These events are prime opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network. Whether it’s a networking breakfast, a skill-building workshop, or a casual happy hour, participating in these activities can help you break the ice and make new connections. Every few months, WORQ organized a networking event for our community to meet and connect with other entrepreneurs.


2. Utilize Common Areas

Networking at common areaCoworking spaces typically have common areas like lounges, kitchens, and shared workspaces. Don’t isolate yourself in a private office all the time. Spend time in these communal areas, strike up conversations with fellow coworkers, and be approachable. You never know when a simple chat over a cup of coffee could lead to a valuable professional relationship.

3. Offer Help and Collaborate

Networking: Offer help and collaborateNetworking is a two-way street. Instead of just seeking help from others, offer your expertise and assistance when you can. Collaborative projects and shared knowledge can lead to stronger connections. Be open to opportunities for teamwork, as they can foster a sense of camaraderie among coworkers.

4. Join Networking Groups

Create a networking groupMany coworking spaces have specialized networking groups tailored to specific industries or interests. Joining these groups can be an effective way to meet people who share your professional goals and passions. Whether it’s a tech-focused meetup or a group for creative professionals, these gatherings provide a structured platform for networking.

5. Create a Digital Presence

Have an online presenceIn the digital age, an online presence is just as crucial as in-person networking. Ensure that you have an updated LinkedIn profile and other professional social media accounts. Use these platforms to connect with your coworking peers and engage in industry-related discussions. Online interactions can lead to meaningful in-person connections.

6. Be Genuine and Authentic

Networking: be genuine and authentic

Authenticity is key to building meaningful connections. Be yourself and show a genuine interest in getting to know others. Avoid using networking as an opportunity to solely promote yourself or your business. Instead, focus on building real relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

7. Follow Up and Stay in Touch

Networking to keep in touch

After you’ve met someone in your coworking community, don’t let the connection fade away. Follow up with a personalized email or message expressing your interest in continuing the conversation. Nurture these connections by regularly checking in, sharing valuable resources, and attending future coworking events together.

8. Be Patient

Be patient

Building meaningful connections takes time, so be patient and persistent. Don’t expect to form deep relationships overnight. It’s often the result of multiple interactions and shared experiences. Keep networking consistently, and over time, your coworking relationships will naturally evolve into valuable connections.

9. Offer Value to the Community

Mindful OctoberRemember that networking in a coworking environment isn’t just about what you can gain. It’s also about what you can contribute to the community. Be an active and positive member of your coworking space, offer assistance to others when needed, and contribute to the overall success of the community. Your willingness to give back will be noticed and appreciated by your fellow coworkers.

10. Choose the Right Coworking Space

WORQ MUB Finally, the last step to successful networking in a coworking environment is selecting the right space. Different coworking spaces cater to various industries and professionals, so it’s essential to find one that aligns with your goals and interests. Consider factors like location, amenities, and the community’s vibe. A space that resonates with your values and work style will increase your chances of forming meaningful connections. Maybe WORQ is for you!



I'm a Branding and Advertising major in UCSI University. My passion is to write good content and provide interesting copies by compelling research about the topics I'm doing. Plain and simple.