Tyk API Gateway Workshop & Networking

How it works?
Step 1 – Sign up your interest with your details.
Step 2 – We will review and confirm your attendance.
p.s. Strictly by confirmation only as this is a technical workshop and limited to 30 people.


  1. We will use TYK for this workshop.
  2. Please bring your laptop. If you think you need an extension plug, bring that too.
  3. This workshop intended for Junior Developers with an experience of 1-2 years who are interested to explore TYK and API Gateway. Thus, technical background is a must.

Register Here!


πŸ“† Agenda
7pm – Arrival

7.15pm –Β Securing your APIs with EntraID, Keycloak and TykΒ –Β By Mun Kiat (MK), Technical Solutions Lead

  • Securing your APIs with EntraID, Keycloak and Tyk
  • Ready to put theory into practice? Join us for an interactive workshop where you’ll build and secure APIs using your identity provider and Tyk.
  • This hands-on session follows our technical talk on API security and lets you implement what you’ve learned in a guided, practical environment.

9.30pm – GoodBye πŸ™‚

πŸ“ Location: WORQ Bangsar

Join Our Community:

With this MeetUp group we hope to create a home for all things JuniorDev.io.Β We aim to guide and help your journey as junior developer in Malaysia.

We are the Malaysia chapter of JuniorDev.io. Check out more Junior Developers community around the world (especially in Australia) at https://JuniorDev.ioΒ 

Thank you, Sponsor!

Main Sponsor – TYK

It’s FREE! Thanks to our sponsors. However, the workshop is limited up to 30 people only on first come basis πŸ™‚